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Help & FAQ's

  • What is Hydrowall?
    Hydrowall is a structural building system that will contain water inside the wall. Hydrowall is a standalone building frame system. It can be used instead of, or alongside traditional construction methods like brickwork, or stud frame. Hydrowall is a modular system and is available in a range of heights, lengths, and widths. Hydrowall is quick and easy to assemble. The modular components simply connect together to create wall sections Hydrowall can be covered with whatever cladding system you choose so that it matches in with the rest of your home
  • Can I use Hydrowall for Structural load- bearing applications?
    Yes. Hydrowall is designed to support roof loads. The standard system can support roof loads in most domestic situations. Each design must be checked and certified by engineers for structural use. Superwall Systems can arrange for engineering drawings to be completed for your design. Sample engineering drawings are available upon request
  • an I put services like electricity and water in the Hydrowall
    Yes. Service conduits can easily be incorporated in the Hydrowall System. It is best to install services prior to cladding. Services can also be surface mounted providing the is secured to the wall only in the designated safe places. Please refer to the spacing diagram in the Hydrowall Installtion manual for location of the frame components
  • What are the dimensions of the Hydrowall?
    Hydrowall is a modular system. Modules are available in a range of heights, lengths and widths as follows: Heights: 1800mm, 2100mm, 2400mm, 2700mm and 3000mm Lengths: 685 (600) mm and 1285 (1200)mm Widths: 300mm, more to come Custom sizes may be available on request
  • Can I have windows, doors or openings?"
    Yes. Modules are connected together with a flexible pipe. The pipe can be as long as you want. Windows are easy because usually the pipe can run in the cavity under the window. Doors require that the pipe goes under the door somehow. Either down through the slab or under the door frame. Please refer to the technical drawings for door and window details.
  • Can I use it as a retaining wall?
    Not at the moment sorry. It's something we are working on
  • Can I hang a painting on the Hydrowall?
    Yes. Hydrowall is similar to stud frame construction. There are parts of the frame that are safe to drill into without damaging the liner, but parts that are not safe. Use the spacing diagram in the installation manual to check where the frame, or use a studfinder. If the fixing misses the frame then there is a risk that it will pentrate the liner and cause a leak. It is best not to drill into the wall unless you are SURE there is frame behind it. The vertical posts are the safest place to drill. There are also a number of hanging products like 3M adhesive hooks, or picture rails located near the cornice that can be used.
  • What happens if it gets a leak?
    The Liner is made from a heavy duty reinforced material, similar to that used for inflatable dinghies. It can withstand a lot of pressure and abrasion and each liner is pressure tested when it is made so it is very unlikely that it will leak from any fault or wear and tear. The Hydrowall system also incorporates a flexible ground mat that acts like a flashing to drain any water to the outside. There are other reasons that the tank may leak as follows: 1. Punctures Punctures are likely to occur if someone drills, screws or nails into the wall at an unsafe position. The safe positions are the vertical posts or high up the wall above the water line. The other cause of punctures is if someone has drill or screwed into the metal frame and created metal shards. These can find there way under the liner and may puncture the liner. It may not happen immediately but as the tank moves through filling and emptying, the metal shard could work its way under and into the liner. Fixing punctures Like an inflatable boat, punctures can be repaired if required. This will usually involve removing the cladding around the leak and draining the liner to below the leak level. You can use an inspection camera to help locate the leak (most plumbers will have one). If it is not possible to repair the leak then the leaking unit can be bypassed altogether but connecting the adjacent Hydrowall modules together. If the leak is high then another option is to only fill the Hydrowall to just below the leak level. This can be done by adding an upstand pipe at the outlet to create an overflow at the desired level. The upstand pipe needs to be just below the leak level. Then when the tank fills it will overflow before it reaches the leak level 2. Plumbing leaks Leaks can occur of the outlets are not connected properly. Always use high quality hose clamps and ensure they are tightened. 3. Overflow leaks If the inlet cap is not tightened then water may overflow. Always tighten the inlet caps on any that are not being used.
  • How do I clean the tank?
    Prevention is better than cure, so we recommend using a Superhead or some other filter to prevent debris and pollution getting inside the tanks (liners). If you already have a problem with debris in the tank then it may be difficult to fix due to the limited access. Most debris is located closest to the inlet(s). If you have a severe silt problem then you can try to vacuum it up by inserting a suction hose into the inlet. If you need to treat the water for smells or discolouration then you can try a treatment solution. Most caravan or boat shops will sell chemicals used to treat storage tanks. If that fails then you may need to drain the tanks.
  • Can I drink the water?
    Hydrowall is available in 2 types: Standard and potable. The Standard Grade is made from reinforced PVC which is not recommended for drinking (potable) water. This type is our economical option and is suitable for applications where drinking water is not required. The Potable Grade liner is made from TPU and is suitable for potable water. The material has been certified and is Watermark approved. NOTE: It is important to routinely check the quality of the water stored in the tank. Other factors like pollution and debris, mosquitoes and sunlight can affect the water and make it unfit for consumption, regardless of the liner used. We recommend the use of a UV steriliser or other filter on the outlet where water will be consumed.
  • What colours are available?
    Any colour! The Hydrowall System consists of a frame and flexible liner to hold the water. It can then be covered in whatever cladding you choose. Some common cladding materials are: Colorbond/ Metal Cladding- A range of colours and profiles are available Fibre Cement sheet (or similar)- Can be painted as required, or tiled Weatherboard- Timber, or composite boards can be used. Please visit the photo gallery for some examples and check the technical drawings for installation instructions.
  • Can I join the modules at angles other than 90°?
    Yes- almost anything is possible but keep in mind the standard connection system is for 90° connections. Other angles will usually require customisation of the joining parts and/ or spacing members to create the non- standard connection.
  • Warranty and Product Lifespan Information
    Hydrowall has a lifespan of 25+ years. Hydrowall has a 2 year product warranty to be free from faults and defects. Each liner is individually tested checked during manufacturing and quality control prior to shipping. If for some reason the liner appears to be damaged then please contact us to arrange a replacement.
  • Can I use it in Freezing Climates?
    Yes- If it is insulated. Water has a a high thermal mass so it will retain the thermal energy that it gains from the internal or external environment. If you are in a freezing climate it could be used as an internal wall and insulated from the outside air temp. Then it would heat up from any internal heating and retain and maintain the temperature inside the room. The water itself can be heated (from solar or whatever) and become a heat source. It is the same theory in hot climates too. The recommended construction is to insulate the wall on the outside and use the water (thermal mass) to help regulate the internal temp. If however it was a standalone wall like in a shed or fence then it is likely to freeze.
  • Why Do I Need a First- Flush Filter?
    A first flush filter prevents pollution entering the rainwater tank. This prevents sediment and pollution from building up in the rainwater tank. Pollution and sediment in the tank can create a number of potential problems ranging from wear and tear on pumps and appliances to hazardous health issues from bird droppings and rotting leaves.
  • Are there distributors in Canada or USA?
    The Superhead fits 90mm (OD) pipe, while 3 inch pipe has a outside diameter of 88.9mm. It is a close fit and can be sealed with silicone, or if you can source 90mm pipe then it will also fit.
  • Does it fit USA pipe sizes?
    Yes. Australia uses 90mm (outside diameter) pipe for stormwater. USA uses 3" pipe which has an outside diameter of 88.9mm. It is a very close fit and the fittings are tapered to fit the smaller pipe size. It can easily be sealed with pipe cement or silicone. It is not high pressure so the slight size variation is not a problem
  • How Does Superhead Work?
    It is best to watch the video to see how it works, but here is the basic explanation: When it first starts to rain, water contaminated with leaves, dust, bacteria, salt and other pollution is washed off the roof and into your downpipes. The Superhead is positioned between the rainwater tank and the gutters so instead of the contaminated water entering the rainwater tank, it fills the flush pipe. After about 20- 30 litres of water has been flushed off the roof it should be clean (depending on the roof size). The water will then automatically divert into the rainwater tank. The flush pipe slowly empties so it is ready for next time it rains.
  • How much does it cost?
    The Superhead costs around $70. You will also need to buy a length of PVC pipe to create the flush pipe and connect to the Rainwater Tank. Buying the various components invidividually will cost over $100
  • What is a Rain Head and First- Flush Filter?
    A rain head is a device which is positioned on the top of downpipes to stop leaves and large debris clogging up the stormwater system. A first- flush is a filtration device which filters smaller debris from the rainwater harvesting system by discarding a preset amount of water when it first starts to rain. When the flush has been done the water is diverted into the rainwater tank The Superhead combines both devices into one simple and compact design.
  • What is size first- flush pipe do I need?
    The volume will depend on the length of the pipe. 90mm pipe has a volume of 7 litres per metre. A larger diameter pipe can be used to increase the flush volume with the use of adapters. The flush volume can also be changed using the adjustable valve at the bottom of the first- flush pipe. For large roofs we recommend installing a Superhead on each downpipe to ensure an adequate first flush.
  • How do I connect it to standard reticulation fittings?
    The adjustable drain can be replaced with standard reticulation fittings so that the flush water can be piped to a different location. To do this you will need the following fittings: length of 19mm pipe (or adapters to reduce to the desired size) 19mm male screw- barb (male screw on one end- barb fitting on the other) 19mm valve ( a cheap one will do and is available in most reticulation sections/ stores) Method: Remove the adjustable plug and insert the male screw- barb fitting. Attach a length of 19mm pipe to the barbed end of the fitting. Cut the pipe to the desired length and attach the valve to the end of the pipe. Calibration: Close the valve and fill the flush pipe with some water (or wait until it rains). Open the valve gradually until it drips a few times per second. Maintenance: There is an increased chance that the valve will become clogged with fine debris from the flush pipe so care should be taken to check that the valve is dripping and emptying the flush pipe after it rains. If not, open the valve and allow the water to flush any blockage and then close it to the correct position again.
  • How do I clean and maintain it?
    The unit needs very little maintenance but it is important to check it occasionally to make sure the flush pipe is draining. Over time dirt will build up in the flush pipe and can eventually block the drain. To remove any build up, simply unscrew the drainage plug completely and allow the water pressure to clear any dirt. The insect screen is self- cleaning and should be automatically cleaned when rain enters the device. If it does become blocked for some reason simply unscrew the leaf screen to access the insect screen.
  • Where can I buy it?
    Superhead can be purchased through our web store or from all Reece irrigation stores and other good rainwater stores. Please reference product code SH-01
  • How do I become a reseller and/ or installer?
    Trade and wholesale pricing is available for trade and wholesale customers. Please contact us if you would like more information
  • Can I install it myself (DIY)?
    Yes. The Superhead is easy to install if you have a basic handyman skills. There are a number of ways to that the Superhead can be installed so feel free to configure it how you want. If you need some help then contact us. If you are not confident or just can't be bothered, then any plumber should be able to install it for you.
  • Do you offer trade pricing, discounts and accounts?"
    Trade pricing and discounts are available to businesses who install the product for their clients, and also re-sellers and distributors of our products. We offer 30 day accounts to approved customers. All accounts need to be secured with a Director's guarantee, and are managed by a third party receivables management company. If you want to apply for trade pricing and/ or a credit account then please use the contact form
  • Do you deliver Australia Wide?
    Yes. Hydrowall comes in a kit form so it can be transported easily to anywhere you want.
  • The size I want says 'out of stock'. When will it be available?
    If your size is out of stock then please order by clicking the 'backorder' button, or contact us to place the order. We do not stock all sizes and it may need to be ordered especially. Please allow 6- 8 weeks for delivery
  • Terms And Conditions Of Sale
    GENERAL Where in these terms and conditions the expression “the Company” is used, it shall be taken to mean Superwall Systems Pty Ltd (ABN 44009252582). “Collateral” and/or “Goods” shall mean all goods and/or services supplied by the Company to the Customer, or ordered by the Customer but not yet supplied, and includes goods described on any quotation, invoice, purchase order or any other document including any recommendations and advice and over which the Company may intend to register a security interest. You the customer may be referred to in these terms and conditions as “the Customer”. These terms and conditions, are effective from the date of acceptance by the Customer and may be amended or superseded from time to time by notice given by the Company by any means. Unless or except specifically excluded herein, the Company retains any rights and remedies available in any prior or pre-existing agreement. The Customer acknowledges that these general terms and conditions apply in relation to all sales of Goods by the Company to the Customer and to all orders placed with the Company. No person acting or purporting to act on the Company’s behalf has the authority to make any promise, representation or undertaking or to add to or change in any way these General Terms And Conditions Of Sale & Security Agreement except expressly in writing. These terms and conditions are in addition to and in no way are intended to limit, vary or exclude any rights conferred by the conditions and warranties implied by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 or by any similar legislation of a State or Territory of Australia which prohibits any such limitation, variation or exclusion. Prices are subject to change without notice. Clerical errors are subject to correction and do not bind the Company. The Customer’s rights under these General Terms And Conditions Of Sale & Security Agreement are not assignable or transferable. PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITIES ACT 2009 (PPSA) Where a Commercial Credit Account has been approved, the Customer grants and the Company may register on the Personal Property Securities Register, a security interest in all and any sale of Goods under this agreement, including but not limited to intellectual property and all other present and after-acquired property. The Customer warrants that all purchases under the commercial credit account are for commercial purposes only and, accordingly, the provisions of the National Credit Code will not apply. The Customer and the Company agree to contract-out of the PPSA in accordance with section 115 of the PPSA to the extent that the section applies for the benefit of, and does not impose a burden on, the Company. The Customer waives its right to receive a copy of any Financing Statement or any Financing Change Statement registered by the Company in respect of the security interest created by these terms and conditions. The Customer agrees to execute any documents, provide all relevant information and co-operate fully with the Company to ensure that the Company has a perfected security interest in the personal property charged and, if applicable, a Purchase Money Security Interest (PMSI). The Customer waives its right to receive notice of a verification statement in relation to any registration by the Company on the register. If Chapter 4 of the PPSA would otherwise apply to the enforcement of a security interest arising in connection with these terms, the Customer agrees that the following provisions of the PPSA will not apply to the enforcement of these terms: section 95 (notice of removal of accession), to the extent that it requires the Company to give a notice to the Customer; section 96 (when a person with an interest in the whole may retain an accession); subsection 121(4) (enforcement of liquid assets – notice to grantor); section 125 (obligation to dispose of or retain collateral); section 130 (notice of disposal), to the extent that it requires the Company to give a notice to the Customer; paragraph 132(3) (d) (contents of statement of account after disposal); subsection 132(4) (statement of account if no disposal); subsection 134(1) (retention of collateral); section 135 (notice of retention); section 142 (redemption of collateral); and, section 143 (reinstatement of security agreement). The Company agrees with the Customer not to disclose information of the kind mentioned in subsection 275(1) of the PPSA except in circumstances required by paragraphs 275(7)(b)-(e). The Customer agrees to notify the Company of any change in the Customerʼs structure or management including any sale or disposition of any part of the business of the Customer, any change in directorships, shareholders or management or change in partnership or trusteeship 7 days prior to any such change taking effect. The Customer agrees that, until all monies owing to the Company are paid in full, it shall not sell or grant any other security interest in the Collateral. The Customer will not register a financing change statement in respect of the security interest without the Companyʼs prior written consent. The Customer agrees that the Company may, at its absolute discretion, apply any amounts received from the Customer towards amounts owing to the Company in such order as the Company may determine. Notices or documents required or permitted to be given to the Company for the purposes of the PPSA must be given in accordance with the PPSA. If the Company receives any notice in relation to the Customer under Section 64 of the PPSA, all outstanding amounts may, at the Companies discretion, become immediately due and payable. The Customer agrees to reimburse, upon demand, the Company for all costs and/or expenses incurred or payable by the Company in relation to registering or maintaining any financing statement, releasing in whole or in part the Companyʼs security interest or any other document in respect of any security interest. In these terms the following words have the respective meanings given to them in the PPSA: commingled, financing statement, financing change statement, perfected, proceeds, register, registration, security interest and verification statement. The Company reserves the right to vary these terms and conditions of sale.
  • Terms and Conditions of Website
    Welcome to our website. If you continue to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern Superwall Systems' relationship with you in relation to this website. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website. The term ‘Superwall Systems’ or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the owner of the website whose registered office is 8/11 Milson Place. O'Connor. Western Australia. Our ABN is 44 009252582 The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our website. The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use: The content of the pages of this website is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice. Neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law. Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet your specific requirements. This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these terms and conditions. All trademarks reproduced in this website, which are not the property of, or licensed to the operator, are acknowledged on the website. Unauthorised use of this website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence. From time to time, this website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s). Your use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use of the website is subject to the laws of Australia.

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ABN: 44009252582
Address: PO Box 252. North Fremantle WA 6159

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